Had my appointment today. Went well. I am 2-3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Looks like the contractions I've been having @ night have been doing something. I'm pretty sure I heard her say I was measuring at 36cm for my fundal height. I'm not sure if I've been measuring short before, she's never really said. But I measured short with Rye, so I'm not worried about that. My BP was a little higher than it's been so far. I'm assuming it wasn't a big enough change to be of concern since it wasn't mentioned. The doctor did stretch out my cervix a little so see if it will help things along a little. I must be honest, I fibbed a little. I told her Eric was leaving early November instead of the 9th. Though, the 9th could be considered early, right?! RIGHT?! I have been having contractions (and some bleeding) since my appointment, but they're getting less frequent as the time wears on. I was also informed that I tested positive on the strep test. That means that I'll be getting antibiotics every 4-6 hours while I'm in labor. The way I understand it, if I can get two doses before I have the baby I'll go home in a regular time frame. If not, then I'll have to stay at least 48 hours after she's born to make sure she's alright. My Doctor was also nice enough to remind me that sex helps labor along...I think I'll be sharing that info with Eric tonight. Hehehe!
So, time to post the pictures. These are the normal up close belly pics. I don't think you can really see that I'm any lower, too close maybe, but I am bigger.
36 weeks
38 weeksSo, time to post the pictures. These are the normal up close belly pics. I don't think you can really see that I'm any lower, too close maybe, but I am bigger.
36 weeks