Sunday, December 06, 2009

December Pictures

I'm joining Heather and Beth in a picture a day for December. I think I'm just gonna do some for the first days here since I'm just starting.
I don't have pictures from everyday but I have at least 2 from some days. So I'm just going to share what I've got so far.
12.1 Jo likes to drag Jasper around 
& he likes to jump

Rye got her haircut today too. She's like me...growing it out, cutting it....growing it out, cutting it

12.3 Jo likes to make faces...

...and take weird pictures of us.

12.4 She also likes to take pictures of EVERYTHING in the house. So much so that the batteries in my camera never last very long. Though she does grab some interesting stuff sometimes. This is her 'mailbox'

She also likes taking pics of Jasper, or Jaba as she calls him

12.5 Jo is still obsessed with YGG, here's a shot of Plex

And here they are together, longing for the out of doors. Jasper will whine if someone leaves the house and he doesn't get to go with.

Umm, so it's kind of sad but most of these were not taken by me, but by Joey. Shows you how much she steals my camera. Good think we got her one for Christmas. She's gonna love it.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Super super cute. It will be fun to see pics of all you do in PA?